Binary Addition Carry Bits

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New Member
I have a 12-bit binary number, and I want to add a 4-bit number to it.
This is of course very easy to do, but I'd like to know if there is another IC better suited.

I'm currently using three cascaded 74LS83 adders -- the 12-bit tied to A and the 4-bit on B of the first. B is not used on any of the subsequent adders -- the only reason why they're there is the carry.

Is there a better chip to serve this purpose? (And please don't say PIC).
You have your choice of programmable logic devices:
but I don't think there are any standard chips which will simplify your life too much... You might be able to mangle a counter chip, but then again all the loadable ones only come in 4 bit widths anyway.
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