Bits are burning in my JA-S11 Amp

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Yes, again this is about my JA-S11 JVC Amp like in my previos thread. Now I was trying to repair it, and I was going to test the output pins on the Sanken s-40w, but before I could, resistor 629 started to release the magic smoke.
Also the nearby transistor, a 2SB560, gets pretty warm too.

This is all in the attachment called schematic. I've circled the smoking resistor and warming transistor. I've also included a photo with the same parts circled, but the schematic should be of most help. The full service manual, including a PCB layout, is available here. (Note: You may need an account to view it - the account is worth it, though (free))

Okay, so obviously the amp is stereo, one chanel has a fault, so lets look at the component pairs. I tested all the main parts of each of the chanels (in the faulty area only) and found that the problem chanel's values matched the OK chanel - so I assume there is probably not a fault here.

What I do believe, though is that the problematic chanel's darlington chipset (a SanKen S-40, shematic included) is at cause. The problematic chaels S-40W was also the one that heated up a lot (with no input) like I described in my previous thread.

I have found a seller of S-40W's but I want to be sure, as, well, they're expensive

Thanks a lot


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  • shematic.png
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  • Sanken__S60W__0.pdf
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Remove the offending chip, and check carefully all other components in the faulty channel - anything in the DC loop could cause the output IC to fail again.

But the smoking resistor may just be down to the chip.
Thanks Nigel. Please excuse my noobiness, but what is the DC loop here? Is that the feedback circuit?

So I should buy a new chip then...

Hi, where did you find the electronic shema?
My JVC S11 amp, doesn't work actually. I know why, relay doesn't work, but i need the electronic shema to check it.

Thank you

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