BJT monostable switch.


Active Member
I am frustrated, no matter how I try to balance this circuit to get the expected output I get unexpected results. Can someone walk me through to a predictable and functional circuit?


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The Triac can ONLY be turned ON by the gate and then it will latch up.

Turn off ONLY happens when the main terminal current drops below the holding current. Read the data sheet to obtain this value.

But in your circuit as you are essentially shorting a battery, this will NEVER happen. The Triac will remain on until the battery is depleted. Which in a SPICE software, only happens when you close the simulation.
Since you are switching a DC source, a TRIAC is almost certainly the wrong (or less optimal) part for the job.

What are you building? Tell us in detail what it is you are trying to achieve. Voltages, currents, timing relationships, external conditions - all of it.

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