Hi there,
What is it exactly you want to know about this circuit?
You probably already know that when the cap charges it charges close to
the full supply voltage, and when the transistor who's collector connects to
that cap goes low (turns on) you end up with a very negative voltage at
the base of the other transistor, and many transistors like this are only
rated for about 5v for reverse Vbe.
That aside, you need to calculate the time constants that result from the
way the circuit is connected. You can start by assuming one transistor is
already turned on and the other turned off, and the voltage levels that
result from that initial setup.
Another idea is to put resistors in series with the caps, which would require
two more resistors. This gets you a longer time constant for the price of
two resistors instead of larger caps. That also can solve the reverse bias
Vbe over voltage that results from the cap charging up as mentioned above.
Some circuits are easier to analyze than others. This one has some non linear
features which may be a bit harder to deal with for exacting calculations.