Blood pressure update.

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Nigel Goodwin

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Most Helpful Member
I mentioned a few weeks back I'd been diagnosed with severely high blood pressure, so I thought I'd keep you updated.

I'm now on two types of tablets, 10mg Ramipril (four weeks), and most recently (two weeks) 2.5mg Felodipine (increased to 5mg two days ago). The blood pressure seems to be showing a nice downward trend

I've bought myself a blood pressure monitor, and I'm monitoring it daily - here's the full graph since I bought the monitor - I don't have the readings before that, but my Systolic was 230 when diagnosed.


  • BP.png
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Glad your getting the number down. Systolic is still a bit high but much better. Ideally you want to get below 140.
Sorry to hear of your problem with the blood pressure & I'm glad to see it's going down.

I've never had a problem with BP, but you may be interested in my experience.

My BP was always in the 120 ~ 140 range (I don't recall the lower figure) until about 2 years ago when I heard about the benefits of eating dark chocolate.

They claimed that it was shown to be benificial by scientific research.

So I started eating one square of 85% coco dark chocolate and my BP is now consistently in the 110 ~ 120 range.

I told my doctor about the chocolate, but she did not believe it has any effect.

However, I don't believe that I've done anything else that would lower my BP, so I feel the choc has been the reason.
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Aside from the fact that I actually like dark choclate (my wife hates the stuff) I've heard similar claims with some scientific backing (can't quote anything specific off the top of my head) but it does also contain caffeine which would be something very important to keep in mind. It's hard to compare the benefits of a 'treatment' like that when you're a healthy person and Nigel has an established condition.

Good to hear you're getting it under control Nigel uncontrolled hyper tension is bad buisness for the human body.
I am on the fence on this one. True cocoa containing chocolate contains the ingredient theobromine which acts a vasodialator and theobromine is used in medication to improve circulation. The contradiction in this is that the cocoa contains caffeine as well and this is a vasoconstrictor so one might think it is a wash. From a Mythbuster point of view, I would say it is plausible.
hi Nigel,
I guess you know that you should avoid grapefruit/juice, when taking BP tablets, grapefruit can cause a sudden drop in BP which will make you feel dreadful.

Thru balancing my diet and exercise I have managed to reduce my BP tablet intake from 5 tablets a day to just 2, Bisoprolol 5mg and Amlodipine 10mg.

BP is now 135/78 and resting pulse 60, thats been the same for about 4 years, which isn't bad for a guy is touching 78 years, my BP used to be 180/88

If you can get your cholesterol down to about 4.5, your BP will also come down, I use Benecol products that contain Plant Sterols, yogurts and maragarine.
Also there are lots of 'natural' foods that help to get BP down.

Lets know how you progress, if we ever meet, we could compare BP graphs...
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hi Nigel,
I guess you know that you should avoid grapefruit/juice, when taking BP tablets, grapefruit can cause a sudden drop in BP which will make you feel dreadful.

Yes, it's the Felodipine which is grapefruit sensitive, the doctor warned of it, the pharmacist warned of it, and the packaging warned of it as well!

As I never eat grapefruit, or drink grapefruit juice, it's not a problem.

grapefruit and blood pressure drugs - Google Search

Thru balancing my diet and exercise I have managed to reduce my BP tablet intake from 5 tablets a day to just 2, Bisoprolol 5mg and Amlodipine 10mg.

I've improved my diet somewhat, and I'm taking more exercise in the form of country walks - I've bought a handheld GPS (Garmin Dakota 10) which I use to monitor distance and speed, plus now I've managed to download free maps to it, to actually find the more obscure footpaths.

I'm lucky in that I back on to open fields, that there are lots of local footpaths, and I'm close to the 'Five Pits Trail', a trail made from the old raoilway lines joining five of the old pits round here.

BP is now 135/78 and resting pulse 60, thats been the same for about 4 years, which isn't bad for a guy is touching 78 years, my BP used to be 180/88

That's pretty good Eric, at least mine's heading the right way

I was 55 a week and a half ago.

If you can get your cholesterol down to about 4.5, your BP will also come down, I use Benecol products that contain Plant Sterols, yogurts and maragarine.
Also there are lots of 'natural' foods that help to get BP down.

The doctors seemed happy with my blood samples, they have never mentioned 'cholesterol' at all, just said that my blood results were OK - and cholesterol was one of the tests ticked on the form - they took three tubes of blood originally, and subsequently just one (for urea and electrolytes - apparently to do with the Ramipril).
What's the anatomy of that 'pressure monitor' that you got?? Any circuits..?

It cost £41, is exactly the same as the one the doctors use, and incorporates a HUGE LCD display - although I must admit to bven interested what's inside it - presumably a SM (or COB) micro?
Nigel, Glad you are getting the BP under control and wish you the best. I hit 50 in November. Since then I have had a kidney stone, chest pains (ekg said all was good), back problems on and off. I keep saying I am going to start walking and getting some exercise. After seeing this thread and your progress, I think I will get serious about the exercise today. Oh when I went for the chest pains they saw my cholesterol was high as well.
Any ideas on what caused your pressure to get so high? The pills treat the symptoms, but do will the correct the problem? Doubt there is enough caffeine in chocolate to make much difference, but then again, I drink 10-12 cups of strong, black coffee, pretty much everyday. I know my pressure goes up occasionally, but not too bad. Haven't had it check in over 18 years though. Should probably get a complete physical before Obama-Care kicks in, no telling what kinds of treatments the insurance companies will require, in order to keep my mandatory coverage, so much for freedom of choice...

Might consider getting a large breed dog, great incentive to get out and walk twice a day. Wouldn't suggest a Labrador puppy though... Mine is three years old, still a puppy mentally. He was doing pretty good, until Friday. The neighbors dog went into heat, not mine has a strong need to breed. Broke through the fence twice Saturday. He constantly wants out in the yard, but not while I'm standing there watching him. Maybe an older dog, from the animal shelter.
No idea, it's probably been like it for years?, I've not seen a doctor for over 30 years.

Wow, and I thought I was bad... My last physical was pre-employment. Had a broken foot in 2003, but they only took X-rays, and of course poked at it, asked me if it hurt. Figure everything is functional, and only occasionally catch a cold. Probably in better health, than what I might catch in the doctor's office.

I would be curious about the cause, seems nearly double the normal. Could be many simple things, and it would have returned to normal by itself. In my case, I know it's the coffee. Least you can monitor it yourself, and get a better idea what has changed, if it goes back up.
Maybe you need a more relaxing hobby.

I find that kicking the local over opinionated dumb ass around is rather enjoyable, educational, entertaining, and overall generally satisfying for me, and likely a few others as well!

If you need a good referance to where to find one and a subject that could prove to be well worth the effort I can give it!

No idea, it's probably been like it for years?, I've not seen a doctor for over 30 years.

Why do I see something wrong with that? I am glad it was detected and more importantly it is now under control. Great investment on the BP measuring system. Take your meds and keep with a good diet.

Hope things go well for your Nigel. I'm certain you are educating yourself on the subject in the meantime. I would caution consuming any cafeine products, even dark chocolates. There are numerous conflicting studies on chocolates and their pros & cons. A number of years ago I decided to eliminate all cafeine from my diet as well as lower salt intake. My BP dropped 15 points and this was taken weekly over a period of months to assure the rersults weren't temporary or a fluke.
No idea, it's probably been like it for years?, I've not seen a doctor for over 30 years.

When I went for the chest pains the doc told me, last time you were here was 10 years ago for a hernia. At 55 and 30 years since the last trip in. I would tighten up a little and move on. Glad I have something to look forward to in 4 years. Oh, did not go for a walk today, but I did move a lot of heavy stuff in the very hot Florida sun. So I will call it a workout/walk for the day. But I plan on taking some walks with the wife. I think that will bring back the relaxing days.
I hadn't been to the doctors since I was around 20 but that changed 5 years ago after a heart attack. Even though my blood pressure isn't high they have got me on ramipril as well.

One interesting thing in the literature I was given is that you should avoid dark green vegetables like broccoli and spinach.

Anyway, good to hear it's being sorted out.

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Oh, did not go for a walk today, but I did move a lot of heavy stuff in the very hot Florida sun. So I will call it a workout/walk for the day. But I plan on taking some walks with the wife. I think that will bring back the relaxing days.

I walked about six and a half miles yesterday, it's not Florida, but it was pretty hot and sunny

I took a few photos on my phone, if I can find the lead, I'll post them - nice English countryside.
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