Bloody Sticky keys.

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Just press shift five times in a row and then try and get rid of this most annoying "feature" of windows. Be warned, I am not responsible for the outcome.

Huh. WHen I read the post I thought you had found bloody, sticky car keys outside lying on the ground.
I've noticed dknguyen's shift key seems to get stuck sometimes.

It isn't annoying but luckily I don't use Windows so often so I don't have to put up with this kind of crap.

Having said that, I'm using Windows at the moment.
Is that my keyboard? I always attributed it to a slow pinky finger or the fact that the rest of my fingers can type way faster than my left pinky can.
The ; where my right pinky rests is farther away from shift than the 'a' key where my left pinky rests. I dunno. I just have never used my right pinky for the shift key. But now that I am typing and paying attention, it seems I never use my right pinky to type any key! I seem to hold it higher than my other fingers. Sort of how people lift their pinky when they drink from a waterbottle or a teacup.
Just press the shift key five times again and sticky keys is off.

I you do not want the feature at all simply press shift 5 times and in the window that pops up select settings and you can permanently disable this and other accessibility options.
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Again, as i have said before, i don't use windoz much any more. As a matter of fact, i just got Doom 3 running on my linux system! NATIVELY! Even though i don't like doom, i am still happy with the fact that it works...

Don't you just love those anoying windows "features"?
It's fun to tell people in an online game that it's a cheat.

Some people still fall for "PRESS ALT-F4 FO SOME GOOD CHEATZ!!!1!!1!1!1"

Yes, the above works. And it's hilarious.
Pommie said:
Just press shift five times in a row and then try and get rid of this most annoying "feature" of windows. Be warned, I am not responsible for the outcome.

AAaarrrg! I can't find the "Cancel" key!
Some people still fall for "PRESS ALT-F4 FO SOME GOOD CHEATZ!!!1!!1!1!1"

Don't most online games sensor that? Yes, it is still pretty funny... I used to do it all the time at my school...
Sometimes I wanted to shut down using Windows key -> u -> u. But I pressed u before releasing the Windows key, try and see what happen Windows key + u. (I'm using XP)
The voice is so similar to Roman Black's 1 bit audio.. lol

push shift 5 times
push settings
push settings
untick use shortcut

**broken link removed**

omg! The forum censors my password!

That sometimes works in games if the other guy is an idiot.
dknguyen said:

omg! The forum censors my password!

That sometimes works in games if the other guy is an idiot.

Awesome! It worked for me too! Thank goodness vBulletin censors sensitive information!
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