Blue stuff and green stuff

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Well-Known Member
I'm feeling very, very pleased with myself!
I got some blue dry film photo-resist off eBay, and also a tube of green liquid solder resist.
Today I got round to trying them out. The dry film took a few go's before I got it right - applied it with a rubber covered roller that came from an old printer, then used a clothes iron to adhere it. A sheet of paper between the iron and the board helped a lot there. Printed my layout on transparency (which everyone says isn't necessary, but boy does it help positioning!) Put a sheet of glass on, Exposed for a few minutes in sunlight, stripped, etched, stripped again. Best result I've had since the bad old days of dry transfers.
I applied the solder resist by blobbing some around on the board, covering it with cling film (saran wrap) rolled it with the roller as evenly as I could, put the transparency on and left it with the glass on under a cloudy sky for about 1.5 hours. Peeled off the cling film, some of it stayed stuck grrrr, wiped with acetone, picked off the bits where the cling film was stuck, pick, wipe, pick, wipe... lovely result except for where the cling film was wrinkly. Won't be using that again...
Anyway, see photo! Just need to drill and cut into two boards and trim the edges off now
Actually looking at the close up the solder mask registration's a bit off. Still not bad for a first "kitchen sink" style attempt.


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A few things I need to change though - solder mask holes need to be smaller, need to use registration marks, not use board outline on the mask, errrm errrrm ok not many things! I'm sure I'll find more as I do more boards.
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