bluetooth device discovery simulation problem on OMNET++ 4.0

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New Member
hi all
this is rahul. i am doing simulation of inquiry procedure on OMNET++ 4.0. to imporve the inquiry procedure.

it needs .ned file (network description file) and C++ code.
please anyone let me know how to make my simple reciver transmitter .ned file and how can i make the code by which transmitter and reciver can discover to eachother....

or if anyone has the code or .ned file please send it to me so that i can take it as a refrance and go ahead in my project.

thanks in advance..
First the .ned file will need to be fed from .hay file and pretty soon the .poo file will need cleaning. In order to transmit successfully if there's any signs of bluetooth the .ned file will need to seen by the .vet file to investigate why the .poo file isn't transmitting. In order to share the .ned file will need to console the .she file before any discovery can take place. As you see there is anyway to do this easily as everything is controlled by the .poo file and if that file is corrupted then the .ooz file will be your nightmare to try and debug.......

hey you let me know one thing why are you trying to make fun???
if you dont want to help me out then just keep your mouth shut......
You should pay mind to whom you are speaking with. Not nice to make a moderator mad.
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