Bluetooth Module for use with midrange PIC

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can anyone suggest a good bluetooth transceiver module that is breadboard mountable and can be interfaced with a midrange pic?

Are you just looking for a serial link to link to something like Android or are you looking for Bluetooth Audio. I've used the HC-06/HC-06 modules for virtual serial links to Android and they are cheap and easy to use. The module itself is not breadboardable, but there are loads of people selling these attached to pin header PCB's. You can google them. and e-bay has quite a few.
Thanks thats just what i need, its for use as a serial link for android rather than bluetooth audio. I also wanted todo something for an iOS device to but apparently apple doesn't support SPP so you need to register as a developer before you can continue, but i guess ill try that at a later date if i need to get my hands on an authentication co-processor.

This is my first bluetooth project it will be interesting, ive found this processor based on your reply

**broken link removed**

thanks again
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