No where does it even mention what IC the board supports, so not much help at all.
hey! Nigel i dont know to what you are reffering to by saying IC, but if you talk about the bt IC, if i knew what
the board supports i wouldnt be here, though you got pretty much anything you need to know so you
can help!
As already suggested, connect it to an FTDI converter and to a terminal program on your PC, see what data it's sending.
i understand it is borring to read every single post and i know you got a forum to run, so you can't pay
close attention to every post since some might be useless, but i already did what you'are saying and
it was mentioned earlier. I even got a uart to usb cable, other than using a scope!
However, as the BT is most likely programmable, it may well be programmed in acompletely differtent way to any available modules?.
i explained how the original bt module probably works,
the MCU seems it configures it every time
via AT comnands after power up, the first command it sends its the AT+NAME=... and it repeats that
i guess until it receives an OK, so it can go to next configuration.
look i've spent time+money going to get the modules (12 EUR to local stores for modules that cost $1,5-2
each on Ebay and Aliexpress) and also effort to put things together and the result was "close but no cigar"
as you might say in your country
so i shouldnt also feel bad that i received few guidance because i wasnt clear.
and no! this is simple has nothing complicated as i said earlier i haven't even studied electronics, im on
computer science, so if i can do what i did to get all the above mentioned results, so then for somebody
who is on electronics and MCU programming its simple thing!
Nevermind, i'm glad even for the slightest interest from anyone posted here and as i said before, i hope these
details can be useful and save time for any other who might interested on something similar.