BMW phone utilisation

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New Member
I want to use the phone aerial built into my car, I would also like to set up a quick charge pad.

the car has a phone dock which you need to buy an adapter for (which won't fit my phone !!)
this is also out of the way (in arm rest) I would prefer to use phone nav...
also the phone connects to the car via bluetooth

I realise you can't connect a phone aerial via USB I believe an inductive coil is what would be used
which is the same as a quick charge pad,
would these interfere with each other ? could 1 coil do both jobs ? do I need any circuitry ?
do the coils need to be a certain type ?

Please help I have got quite confused about the whole subject

Thanks in advance
would this work for me ??
**broken link removed**
I believe it's a charger & uses the sharks fin roof aerial ??
any help ??

I have found these so I know the science exists !
I just need to know how to make it

inductive aerial :

inductive charger:,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_

however I did find this interesting thread on USB aerials,
can anyone shed any light on this as this could be a real game changer...

Many thanks in advance
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