Bonkers or is it?

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I have had a great week off school, I even got to visit here again .
So why was I off school?

Well its actually pre exam study week, except the exam is next year (minor detail I guess). I am supposed to be studying for my (what the older people call metal work) exam, here its now called various things such as structural design and methodology. Also had I have actually been doing geography as a subject I would be doing exam study for that, I didnt choose geography but I get the time off anyway because the subject I chose instead dosnt have a mock exam yet!

The Metal work Exam is 2 hours long, you have 15 mins to design something simple (like a flat head screwdriver) and an hour and 45 mins to make it. The design part is equal to 20% of the total marks.
My school dosnt have any money for materials!! So we are not going to actually make ANYTHING! Its a mock exam so no one is that worried, but suppose we did have some metal to make something? If we did then 3 days of this week I should have spent at school in the design block refining my metal manipulation skills, I would of kinda liked that. BUT it wouldnt have happened because this week the design block has no spare timetable slots for us to go in and use equipment!!!

This leaves me with the logical choice of just going in to the IT suite and working on my design of a screwdriver.............. However we are not using CAD for this task it has to be paper, therefore we cant use the IT rooms we have to use the form rooms. Only because we are on study leave our form tutors are away on courses! No form teachers = no one to supervise = no one allowed in the form room!

So I am at home having designed 40 screwdrivers in 3 hours on CAN and then hand copied, job done!

I thought it was totally bonkers and a total waste of my time being at home doing something like this, but actually I got to dust off my soldering iron and do a few mods to my shed and lab. I also started a couple of projects, so for me its been a good week and I have learnt a fair bit. I havnt learnt what I was meant to learn, but learning is learning.
I am lucky in that I dont particularly like sitting about doing nothing, I am not a huge fan of game box's but I do like Mine craft for short periods.
So alot of others in my class have been online gaming etc and generally having a holiday, and that is modern learning today!
I kind of like it as it suites the way I learn
If i had a choice of materials to make a screwdriver, Any of the Higher Carbon steels would be on my list (A1, S1...even O1 is pretty hard). Why not go all out and go full Ti with Anodizing? Maybe a nice Wooden handle with brass inlay...

Oh yea, Tools. I built this. How did I do the head? Easy. A fire. I put it in my gas grill and left it there till it got to the desired color. The head is also hardened (W1 steel).

Great. Now Im probably going to see what metal I have in stock and make a screw driver. Not that I dont need another screwdriver..THANKS (sarcasm).


  • hammer1.bmp
    1.4 MB · Views: 327
My final design had Titanium shaft and platinum handle with gold inlay. I figured since they couldnt afford so much as a scrap of rebar it dosnt really matter what I design! I did sugest we use the 3D printer to cut cost, however it was pointed out that the idea was too use metal and secondly we dont have any spools of plastic left for the printer :S.
Never mind I got enough welding to do on the tractor to give me metal work practice .
You know if they did small pocket screw drivers (assuming W1 steel and 12L14 for the rest), for a class of 20 it shouldn't have cost more than $50-$100 (On the high side). Hell even if they did it pot luck style and have the kids all pitch in $5 a piece...

No Metal? Welp time to make a forge and do scrap yard runs! At that point you might as well start forging a sword.
See I am home again! Actually I could do with some study time lol.
I wish my school was as forward thinking as that, I have no idea what you know about the UK but here is how it happens.
The council (Local Authority) supply things at over inflated prices, then when they run out of money they cant just go and buy some more. There is 30 in my class and we share 2 lathes and 1 milling machine, I am lucky as my school is new and considered well equipped!
But try and get lathe time in 90 mins (double lesson) when 29 other people want to use it (we normally have to make the same things). The other thing that really annoys me is we have a guy that teaches metal work but his degree and teaching qualification is in climatic studies (he teaches geography), we do have a real metal work teacher at school and I had him last year. He is great, if or rather when we have no materials he will bring in old engines etc and show us how they work. We took apart and put back together motor engines and all sorts, it wasnt what we were mean to do but at least we learnt something.
Anyway I better go get some maths done :S
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