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BoostC 7.01 Problem?

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Mike - K8LH

Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

Just trying to put together a C demo' for someone using the new BoostC (free/lite) version 7.01 compiler (in MPLAB) but getting a strange error and wondering if anyone can help?

I'm trying to declare a 256 byte ROM array but BoostC seems to be trying to put it into RAM...

 *                                                                  *
 *  Project: CTCSS 12F683                                           *
 *   Source: CTCSS_12F683.c                                         *
 *   Author: Mike McLaren, K8LH                                     *
 *     Date: 26-Nov-10                                              *
 *  Revised: 26-Nov-10                                              *
 *                                                                  *
 *  DDS-PWM CTCSS Tone Generator Demo                               *
 *                                                                  *
 *                                                                  *
 *      IDE: MPLAB 8.56 (tabs = 4)                                  *
 *     Lang: SourceBoost BoostC v7.01, Lite/Free version            *
 *                                                                  *
#include <system.h>
#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 8388608      //
//--< function prototypes >------------------------------------------
//--< type definitions >---------------------------------------------
typedef unsigned char u08;
typedef unsigned int u16;
typedef unsigned long u32;
#define r08 rom unsigned char
//--< variables >----------------------------------------------------
u32 accum = 0;                  // phase accumulator
u32 phase = 0;                  // phase offset (DDS tuning word)
r08 sine[] = { 100,102,104,107,109,112,114,117,
                99, 97, 95, 92, 90, 87, 85, 82,
                80, 78, 75, 73, 70, 68, 66, 64,
                61, 59, 57, 55, 52, 50, 48, 46,
                44, 42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 31,
                29, 27, 25, 24, 22, 21, 19, 18,
                16, 15, 14, 12, 11, 10,  9,  8,
                 7,  6,  5,  5,  4,  3,  2,  2,
                 1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,
                 0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,
                 1,  2,  2,  3,  4,  5,  5,  6,
                 7,  8,  9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15,
                16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27,
                29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42,
                44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 55, 57, 59,
                61, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78,
                80, 82, 85, 87, 90, 92, 95, 97 };
//--< defines >------------------------------------------------------
//--< main >---------------------------------------------------------
void interrupt()                // 200-cycles (10485.76-Hz)
{ pir1.TMR2IF = 0;              // clear TMR2 interrupt flag
  accum += phase;               // add phase offset to accum
  ccpr1l = sine[accum>>16];     // sine duty cycle value for
}                               // next PWM period
void main()
  cmcon0 = 7;                   // comparator off, digital I/O
  while(1)                      //
  {                             //
  }                             //
And here's the Linker error I'm getting;
Error: Memory allocation failed -  No remaining memory block (on target) with suitable start address,
big enough for : 'sine' in file: C:\Users\Michael\Documents\PIC Projects\BoostC\CTCSS_12F683.c 
size:256 bytes
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They said 7.01 had that fixed for 18f chips but I couldn't find any thing for the 12f chips

But this
Did you actually try my romint code under BoostC? It works around the limitation.

_RI() splits the integer into two (unsigned) char values seperated by a comma for the rom char string definition and romint() puts them back together. romint() could be implemented as a function instead of an inline #defined macro, but that would use up an extra level of return stack, and rom chars are already fairly costly in terms of stack usage. The tradeoff is increased code size if you use many seperate invocations of romint(), but if your program is well structured, it should be localised in one or at most a few of rom parameter access functions so won't have much impact.

ASCII is *NEVER* the right choice for number storage on a resource limited system as there is an overhead of approximately 4 2/3 wasted bits per digit
Packed BCD is better as it only wastes about 2/3 of a bit per digit. Of course ASCII is essential if you need to output or input numbers in human readable format but the conversion to/from BCD or pure binary is less costly in terms of processing cycles and code size than either storing more than a couple of numbers in ASCII or implementing ASCII arithmatic. If ASCII looks like a good option, you've over-specced the processor . . .

Don"t no if that will help
It's an array of byte sized "char" type so I'm not sure that's a match for my problem... Thanks anyway...
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I didn't think it had any thing that would help

All I found about 256 byte array was for the 18f chips and it said that was fixed in 7.01
Just thought I'd post the fix for this BoostC v7.01 problem, in case anyone else needed it.

After trying lots of different things, I finally stumbled on the fix, which was to get rid of the brackets in the variable declaration. I know, I know. Seems pretty stupid to me too (grin).

Cheerful regards, Mike

 *                                                                  *
 *  Project: CTCSS 12F683                                           *
 *   Source: CTCSS_12F683.c                                         *
 *   Author: Mike McLaren, K8LH                                     *
 *     Date: 26-Nov-10                                              *
 *  Revised: 26-Nov-10                                              *
 *                                                                  *
 *  untested 12F683 DDS(PWM) CTCSS Tone Generator with 24-bit       *
 *  Phase Accumulator (Fosc = 8.388608-MHz)                         *
 *                                                                  *
 *      IDE: MPLAB 8.56 (tabs = 4)                                  *
 *     Lang: SourceBoost BoostC v7.01, Lite/Free version            *
 *                                                                  *
 *    CTCSS tone frequencies
 *     67.0 Hz    69.3 Hz    71.9 Hz    74.4 Hz    77.0 Hz
 *     79.7 Hz    82.5 Hz    85.4 Hz    88.5 Hz    91.5 Hz
 *     94.8 Hz    97.4 Hz   100.0 Hz   103.5 Hz   107.2 Hz
 *    110.9 Hz   114.8 Hz   118.8 Hz   123.0 Hz   127.3 Hz
 *    131.8 Hz   136.5 Hz   141.3 Hz   146.2 Hz   151.4 Hz
 *    156.7 Hz   159.8 Hz   162.2 Hz   165.5 Hz   167.9 Hz
 *    171.3 Hz   173.8 Hz   177.3 Hz   179.9 Hz   183.5 Hz
 *    186.2 Hz   189.9 Hz   192.8 Hz   196.6 Hz   199.5 Hz
 *    203.5 Hz   206.5 Hz   210.7 Hz   218.1 Hz   225.7 Hz
 *    229.1 Hz   233.6 Hz   241.8 Hz   250.3 Hz   254.1 Hz

#include <system.h>


#pragma CLOCK_FREQ 8388608      // using an 8.388608-MHz crystal

//--< function prototypes >------------------------------------------
//--< type definitions >---------------------------------------------

typedef unsigned char u08;
typedef unsigned int u16;
typedef unsigned long u32;

#define r08 rom char*

//--< variables >----------------------------------------------------

u32 accum;                  // phase accumulator
u32 phase;                  // phase offset (DDS tuning word)

r08 sinetbl =   { 100,102,104,107,109,112,114,117,119,121,
                  119,117,114,112,109,107,104,102, 99, 97,
                   95, 92, 90, 87, 85, 82, 80, 78, 75, 73,
                   70, 68, 66, 64, 61, 59, 57, 55, 52, 50,
                   48, 46, 44, 42, 40, 38, 36, 34, 32, 31,
                   29, 27, 25, 24, 22, 21, 19, 18, 16, 15,
                   14, 12, 11, 10,  9,  8,  7,  6,  5,  5,
                    4,  3,  2,  2,  1,  1,  1,  0,  0,  0,
                    0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  0,  1,  1,
                    1,  2,  2,  3,  4,  5,  5,  6,  7,  8,
                    9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 21,
                   22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31, 32, 34, 36, 38,
                   40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 55, 57, 59,
                   61, 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 75, 78, 80, 82,
                   85, 87, 90, 92, 95, 97 };

//--< defines >------------------------------------------------------

#define lo(x) (char)((x)&255)
#define hi(x) (char)((x)/256)
#define ul(x) (char)((x)>>16)
#define uh(x) (char)((x)>>24)

//--< isr >----------------------------------------------------------

 *  12F/16F1xxx DDS-PWM CTCSS "Access Tone Generator" Notes
 *  =======================================================
 *  using an 8.388608 MHz crystal
 *    Tcy = 1 / 8388608 * 4 = 476.837158203125 nsecs
 *  using a 200 cycle PWM period provides a DDS frequency of
 *    Fdds = 1 / (200 Tcy) = 10,485.76 Hz
 *  frequency resolution using a 24 bit phase accumulator is
 *    Fres = Fdds / 2^24
 *    Fres = 10485.76 / 16777216 = 0.000625 Hz
 *  dds tuning word (phase offset) can be calculated a couple
 *  different ways.  since the dds frequency resolution (Fres)
 *  is basically 0.01-Hz divided by 16, you can calculate the
 *  phase offset by mulitplying desired Fout output frequency
 *  by 1600.  the phase offset for an Fout of 254.1-Hz is;
 *    phase = (Fout  * 100) * 16
 *          = (254.1 * 100) * 16 = 406560
 *    phase =  25410 << 4 = 406560
 *  or you can also calculate phase offset like this (yuch!);
 *    phase = Fout / Fres
 *          = 254.1 / 0.000625 = 406560
 *    phase = Fout * 2^24 / Fdds
 *          = 254.1 * 16777216 / 10485.76 = 406560
 *  the highest CTCSS frequency (254.1 Hz) will produce the
 *  smallest number of sine wave D/A output points per cycle;
 *    INT(10485.76 / 254.1) = 41 output points per cycle
 *  use the most significant 8 bits of the 24-bit phase
 *  accumulator as the sine table index.

void interrupt()                // 200-cycles (10485.76-Hz)
{ pir1.TMR2IF = 0;              // clear TMR2 interrupt flag
  accum += phase;               // add phase offset to accum
  ccpr1l = sinetbl[ul(accum)];  // sine duty cycle value for
}                               // next PWM period

//--< main >---------------------------------------------------------

void main()
  cmcon0 = 7;                   // comparator off, digital I/O
  ansel = 0;                    // a2d module off, digital I/O
  trisio = 0b00111011;          // GP2 output, all others input
  *  setup PWM module for 200 cycle interrupts (10485.76-Hz using
  *  an 8.388608-MHz clock)
  ccp1con = 0b00001100;         // 00001100
                                // --00---- DC1B<1:0>, duty cycle b1:b0
                                // ----1100 CCP1M<3:0>, pwm mode
  t2con = 0b00000000;           // 00000000
                                // -0000--- TOUTPS<3:0>, postscale 1
                                // -----0-- TMR2ON, timer off
                                // ------00 T2CKPS<1:0>, prescale 1
                                // for 476.837158203125 nsec 'ticks'
  pr2 = 200-1;                  // for 95.367431640625 usec interrupts
  ccpr1l = 0;                   // 0% duty cycle
  pie1 = 1<<TMR2IE;             // enable Timer 2 interrupts
  pir1 = 0;                     // clear all peripheral interrupt flags
  intcon.PEIE = 1;              // enable peripheral interrupts
  intcon.GIE = 1;               // enable global interrupts
  t2con.TMR2ON = 1;             // turn TMR2 on

  phase = 25410<<4;             // phase offset for 254.1-Hz tone

  while(1);                     // loop forever
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