Bootloader for PIC12F629 (Does it exist!?)

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New Member
I'll be brief: Is there a soft UART bootloader compatible with PIC12F629, in C or assembler?

Thanks in advance!
For a boot loader to function you need ROM (FLASH) memory that can be written by the CPU. You also need enough memory to hold the boot loader and the user code.

This beast has 1K words of FLASH. A bootloader can easily be 2K. I do not see where it has self modifing (writable from CPU) FLASH.

In short no.
I think that the nearest is a PICAXE-08 which is a PIC12F629 programmed with a bootloader of sorts.
Diver300 has me wondering how the can use a boot loader on a PIC that can not write its own flash.

After some digging I found that the PICAXE-08 has 128 byte of program memory. The 12F629 has 128 bytes of EEPROM.

It seems the PICAXE-08's boot loader loads the user program into EEPROM. If one were to ask me if there was a bootloader for the 12F629 I would have to say no or at best sort-of. One could quibble about this but I do not feel writting to EEPROM (rather then FLASH) is what people expect from a boot loader.

I did find a very small (100 word) bootloader
Smallest PIC bootloader | Embedded projects from around the web
And this list of bootloader

No, the PICAXE isn't a bootloader, it's just a BASIC interpreter reading tokenised BASIC from it's internal EEPROM data memory. This is why it has little memory space, and runs so slowly.

It's very similar to a BASIC STAMP, apart from those have more memory space as they use external EEPROM to store the tokenised code.

The later and larger PICAXE's do a similar thing, but actually store the tokenised code in the program memory (giving much more space), but again it's still just slow interpreted code.
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