brakes and seat belt of car

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mostafa zaky

New Member
i have a problem
i need to find the state of the brake pedal of the car
if the driver pressed it or not
(can i use a push button in this case
when the driver push or press the brakes the button will be pressed also
sends an interrupt to the micro controller
indicating that the brakes is pressed
the second problem is the safety belt
i need to describe the state of the belt if the driver is wearing it or not
so that
can i use a switch to perform that task
(when the driver wears the seat belt the button will be closed and
sends an interrupt to the microcontroller
indicating that the seat belt is closed and the driver wears it)
can this technique solve that problem?
Why have you asked the same question for the third time ?

The information on how to monitor the brake pedal has already been answered in one of your other posts.

The seatbelt problem can be solved by either using a seatbelt mechanism which has the belt sensor built in or you could use a magnet on the belt clip and a reed switch or hall effect sensor on the bit the seatbelt clips in to.
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