Breadboard-like sockets?

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Here's the deal: I'm using a prototype board for a microcontroller, and the board has no real easy way of connecting the I/O with the outside world. I soldered in some jumper wires, but that's just kind of annoying and bulky. Does anyone know any good ways to put sockets on the boards that resemble breadboard sockets? That'd be fantastic.
I go about it the other way around. Put the processor and related parts on a PCB and bring the IO ports out to pins that you can stick into a breadboard or a 2x5 pinheader for use with a ribbon cable that you can attach to other PCBs or a breadboard as in the pic below. Do not try to make sense of what is on the breadboard as parts and wires have been removed. The center board with the LCD does the same thing as the other two adaptor boards. The leds indicate the logic level.

Some protoboards already have pinheaders on the IO ports.


  • breadboard.JPG
    92.7 KB · Views: 301
Use terminal blocks. THere exist tiny 22AWG, 0.1" terminal blocks.
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