F fixit7 Member May 13, 2019 #1 Just got in my breadboard. The jumper has continuity with the chip and the resistor. I looked at the back of the breadboard. It looks like each pin of my chip has it's own "channel" with 5 points connected together. And my power will go to the + and - channel. Is that correct?
Just got in my breadboard. The jumper has continuity with the chip and the resistor. I looked at the back of the breadboard. It looks like each pin of my chip has it's own "channel" with 5 points connected together. And my power will go to the + and - channel. Is that correct?
rjenkinsgb Well-Known Member Most Helpful Member May 13, 2019 #2 fixit7 said: It looks like each pin of my chip has it's own "channel" with 5 points connected together. And my power will go to the + and - channel. Click to expand... Yes, that is spot on correct.
fixit7 said: It looks like each pin of my chip has it's own "channel" with 5 points connected together. And my power will go to the + and - channel. Click to expand... Yes, that is spot on correct.
JonSea Well-Known Member Most Helpful Member May 13, 2019 #3 There's one "gotcha" to be aware of. The power busses along each side are broken into sections - notice the gaps in the red and blue lines. You must jump one section to the next if you plan to use it along the whole length of the breadboard.
There's one "gotcha" to be aware of. The power busses along each side are broken into sections - notice the gaps in the red and blue lines. You must jump one section to the next if you plan to use it along the whole length of the breadboard.
F fixit7 Member May 13, 2019 #4 I jumped both the + and - sides. Now it beeps with and without laser shining on the LDR. I think I am making some progress.
I jumped both the + and - sides. Now it beeps with and without laser shining on the LDR. I think I am making some progress.