Breville Oracle BES980 dual boiler espresso machine not reaching proper temperature

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I did a descaling of this machine and noticed that one of the boiler drains was clogged so therefore I could not complete the descaling automatically thru Breville's automated process. Waited 24 hours and the boiler will now drain but the temperature will not reach the required 200 degrees. The highest temp it will achieve is 160 degrees. Removed top and you can feel that the larger boiler for the milk frothing will not heat at all while the smaller boiler seems to heat up properly. I did get it to heat to 200 degrees one time in the morning but have not been able to get it 200 degrees at any other attempts. Machine will not function until the 200 degrees is reached.
It is an expensive device, I would not attempt to repair myself. Those devices has mainboards, could be a problem on the mainboard or maybe just a temperature sensor. Did you contact the company?
OK here is what happened. The main boiler thermal fuse blew. See Instead of going thru pulling all that stuff out to get the boiler out to get to the thermal fuse out I cut a hole in the bottom of the unit and there it was. I replaced it and glue the cut out piece of plastic back and it is working now. Got the thermal fuse on-line on Amazon. What happens is the boiler drain clogs because of scale build up thus you go to use the automatic descaling and the system needs the boiler to empty but they did not empty when designed to so the computer gets confused and tries to heat a empty boiler and thus blows the thermal fuse as boiler gets too hot. Too boilers so the system needs BOTH boilers to achieve the 200 degrees to operate. DO NOT USE the automatic descaling process in the Breviile Oracle as I see tons of pots where this same circumstance happens a lot. Even Breville told me this unit cannot be descaled even though there is an option in the service menu to do it. I think if you hard water in your home you better descale often and if you have never descaled expects catastrophic failure if you use the Breville descale process in the service menu. It can be descaled manually be beware if you let the boiler heat up dry the thermal fuse will blow. They offered me 40% off a new one to just junk my old one all over a $5 thermal fuse which is a real job to get to unless you cut a hole under the larger boiler and then use JB plastic weld to glue the piece back in.
Thx for that! I broke mine trying to setup descale process
Hello, I have the same problem and intended to replace the thermal fuse by disassembling the unit. Your solution of cutting an access hole seems much better. Could you please share details on where the hole is located, size and tools used to accomplish? Much appreciated!
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