Brisbane flood.

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Here's a link to some hires aerial photos of the recent floods. The car in the middle (with black roof) is mine and I live in the building at the bottom. Just zoom out and around to see the extent. PhotoMaps by NearMap. As you can see, the affected area isn't as vast as the news coverage has made out. The badly affected areas were further up stream. My building did get flooded but only the basement car park. Unfortunately, this included the lift control room and so we have no lifts and I live on the 14th floor. I,ve spent the last two days shoveling, hosing, sweeping and pumping mud. By next week I'll either have a body like an olympic athlete or I'll be dead.

Why is it that people who live in the flood plains by streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes seem to also be the least informed about where and why of how flooding works and what to do to prevent or limit the damage that comes with it?

Not intending to be rude or unsympathetic but where I live it floods every year to one degree or another and every year its the same people on the news that are completely caught off guard by it.
hi Mike.
I thought you might be effect by the flooding when I was watching Sky TV, I guess thats why you have not been so active on the Forums.

Nice clear images of the area.

Take it easy, dont stuff yourself up.

BTW: is my horse OK.?
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