Brushless Motor - Torque Constant Calculation

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Hi All,

I have a difficult problem and this forum seems to be the closest thing I could find for a group of people that might have the expertise I seek. The issue at hand is brushless motors: current, torque, and the relationship between them – the torque constant.

I am attempting to build a system where I can accurately command a brushless motor to produce a desired torque. The motor will be loaded to the extent that very little rotation will actually occur. In order to produce a uniform torque throughout all rotor positions, I implemented an encoder based sinusoidal commutation scheme. My system uses a three phase H-bridge. I am monitoring the current from the power supply with a fluke meter hooked up in series. I have also verified the readings from the meter using a power supply that has a digital display indicating voltage and current, as well as an ADC on my microcontroller, reading the output of a current sensor.

Here is my problem: According to the manufacturer (Anaheim Automation), my motor has a torque constant of 18 oz.-in per amp. Every possible experiment I have conducted results in a torque constant much higher than that. I have calculated values ranging from 30 oz.-in./amp to 100+ oz.-in./amp I have used multiple techniques to measure this, including a digital torque meter and a system of weights. I had an aluminum cylinder machined that is exactly 1 inch in radius, and used that with a cable to lift weights with the motor.

In one experiment, I attached 6 lbs to this cable (which is connected to a 1 inch radius shaft), yielding a torque load of 6 inch-lbs. Multiply this by 16 and we have 96 oz.-in. I then slowly increase the PWM % of my motor driver until the motor begins turning and lifting the weight off the ground. Using any method of current sensing I have available, I measure a DC current of about 830 mA. Therefore, my torque constant would be 96 / 0.830 = 115.6. Obviously something is very wrong here. To make matters worse, when I increase the weight, the torque constant seems to start dropping off. Nowhere near the value of 18 I am looking for, but it definitely does not appear to be a “constant”.

I assume that what I am looking for is average or DC current. However when I try and measure RMS current with the fluke meter, I get results much closer to what I am expecting: in the 30 oz.-in./amp range, and it seems consistent for varying loads.

What is most frustrating about this problem, is that every non-ideal effect I am neglecting only makes the problem worse. Say for instance that a lot of the power coming from the power supply is being wasted across cabling, or maybe the bridge has a shoot-through problem. All of these effects should make my torque constant appear to be lower – not higher. And I highly doubt the manufacturer would vastly underestimate the torque constant of their motor.

I am fairly confident that I am calculating and measuring the torque coming out of the motor properly, so that leaves the current. What I am doing wrong? Either I have made a fundamental error in measuring current, or I have created some sort of machine that produces more power than it consumes.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.
Why are your average and RMS current readings different?

Try filtering the current between the PWM and the motor, essentially feeding a DC current to the motor.
Why are your average and RMS current readings different?

Try filtering the current between the PWM and the motor, essentially feeding a DC current to the motor.

I have a current sense resistor in the circuit and looked at the signal with an oscilloscope. There is a AC component to the signal, although its very random and chaotic looking. I believe this is caused by the pulse width modulation. There isn't a constant flow of current coming from the power supply to the motor, only when the PWM is activating one or more legs in the bridge. However, if you take an average of the current over a sufficiently large number of pulse width modulation cycles, you SHOULD get an average current that is proportional to the torque output of the motor. At least that is my understanding.
You may want to check to see if the magnet temperature is getting too hot. The motor torque constant will go down if ferrite magnets are used . T = I * alpha, where alpha = 18 in oz More current will yield less torque if the alpha drops and you could de-magnitize the motor under extreme conditions. Also need to carefully monitor current delivery into the motor. An open loop, bang - bang [on/off] control will get you in trouble . A PWM controller with PID is what you need to get accurate results. Good Luck
Why are your average and RMS current readings different?

Try filtering the current between the PWM and the motor, essentially feeding a DC current to the motor.

you can not feed a brushless motor DC ... the DC in BLDC really means that it is hard switched (commutated) instead of sinusoidal.
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