BU2527AF Transistor Replacement

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New Member
I am new in this forum . I want to replace HOT (Horizontal Output Transistor) transistor BU2527AF with a new one which number is NTE2365 . I do not know too much about electoronics . I finding a mismatch between two transistor -

BU2527AF has VCESM ( Collector-emitter voltage peak value ) - 1500V

But NTE2365 has VCBO ( Collector to Base Voltage ) - 1500V

Here is mine Problem . NTE2365 has no VCESM value . It has VCBO 1500V instead of VCESM .

Now I want to know - are this VCBO and VCESM same or Different ?? Can I use this HOT transistor as a replacement of BU2527AF ??

Thanks .... I am waiting for your quick reply .........

I am attaching the Datasheet of NTE2365 and BU2527AF below for your consideration .......


  • BU2527AF.pdf
    74.7 KB · Views: 290
  • NTE2365.pdf
    47.4 KB · Views: 322
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