Buffer type device

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Well-Known Member
Hey all, Im looking for something thats like a buffer. Ok what i need is a IC that will take a parallel input... at least 8 bits and store it on its output when i latch it...

Like ...

I set PORTA on my PIC to 0x01 and latch the IC so i can then change PORTA to 0x02 and the IC still has 0x01 on its output until i latch the 0x02...

What can do this?
Thanks a ton BILL ... you thing this would work? I want to create 3 PORTS from 1 port. Of course OUTPUT ONLY! heh


  • idea.jpg
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My goal is i latch the data to all of them but only output to 1 then latch to all and output to another etc.... Since the internal info doesnt affect the OUTPUTs...
The 373 is a common latch, it works like eight D flip-flops. It's also tri-state. Really popular part in old computers. Should work exactly as you expect.
Im making my order today for these. Im ordering 3 DIP and 9 SOIC .. the DIP will be for testing and SOIC for board heh Thanks again friends
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