building a pic programmer

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New Member
i am a beginner in pic programming. i hope to build a pic programmer . i got all the manuals for the pic but these are too cryptic.can anyone suggest me some reading material which site wud i get some tutorials....please help
prandy said:
i am a beginner in pic programming. i hope to build a pic programmer . i got all the manuals for the pic but these are too cryptic.can anyone suggest me some reading material which site wud i get some tutorials....please help
Welcome Prandy,
If you are going to be in PIC programming and development. I would definitely suggest to buy/build one PICKIT2 - this is a design by Microchip. There are ready made clones available in Market. I am using a clone JUNEBUG from It is working fine. You can see the site , select the JUNEBUG and study the Junebug Assembly Manual. Everything is detailed there.

Don't go for the cheaper models and you will be wasting time in setting the programmer to work for you.

By the way you never indicated the country you are from!!
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I agree nowadays there are handy programmers available with debugging support.EXIC KIT2,ICD2 etc....They support majority of PICs & they never fail when programing.Its worthwhile having one of these.

If you like to build your own its also up to you.Read sticky on top of this section it has plenty programmers & guide to new comers.
Take a look at Nigel's homepage for very good tutorial's and link to programmer. I use P16PRO40 programmer and i like it very well and simple to build but the pc must have a LPT port.
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