Building a simple wireless video transmitter/receiver

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New Member
i'm currently trying to build a remote control car
with a mounted video camera.
my problem is that i cant seem to find a suitable
wireless mean....
any help from the source of the wireless system information to the schematics on building it will be appreciated.
is tv transmitter usable in my case??If so pls tell my how to do so

any help can be sent to my email
I doubt there is such a thing as a *simple* wireless video transmitter. You might have to re - think your project sans video output .
Here is a tiny video TX off the web with VHF & UHF out. If nothing else, you could build on it. I suggest you throw it to the group before you build. Les


  • minitvtx.JPG
    96.5 KB · Views: 2,713
  • minitvtxpcb.JPG
    64 KB · Views: 2,638
I think this is a transmitter, I need a receiver circuit for this.

thank you
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