Hi guys I'm looking for help regarding building my own USB hub. I need help with resistor values for limiting amps to the devices and protecting the computer it is to be connected to. As well as any other good ideas people have.
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To be honest, even though I've been designing electronics for decades, that is something I would not consider.
USB uses high speeds, need specialised ICs to interface with it and they are probably only available in surface mount, which is not for the beginner.
eg. https://eu.mouser.com/ProductDetail...GAEpiMZZMtv%2bwxsgy/hiONYmiIP0ierY4blCV4ob4k=
You can buy USB2 ones for trivial prices and USB3 is as much RF design as digital due to to the frequencies in use..
Back to the question:
The ports are normally protected from overload by PTC resistor "fuses" - polyswitches - that switch to high resistance if overloaded then go back to normal after the overload is removed and they cool down.
eg. **broken link removed**
If you are serious with this, I'd advise starting a new thread in the "Electronic Projects Design/Ideas/Reviews" category.