Building an LED circuit?

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Here is a circuit I built several years ago for a haloween display. The schematic shows orange LED's but they can be changed to another color.
The LED's flash in a fairly random pattern.


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Here is a circuit I built several years ago for a haloween display. The schematic shows orange LED's but they can be changed to another color.
The LED's flash in a fairly random pattern.

Was that schematic published in a issue of Nuts & Volts? Your project, handle and schematic seem very familiar. Poptronics maybe? I think I still have the issue..... Anyway, just curious.
Was that schematic published in a issue of Nuts & Volts? Your project, handle and schematic seem very familiar. Poptronics maybe? I think I still have the issue..... Anyway, just curious.
I don't recall it ever being published in a magazine, although it may have been submitted to another forum.
Here is a simple circuit that will flash any or all the 8 LEDs (in groups of two) in any sequence and it can be repeatable or non-repeatable.


  • Timerc8LEDs.gif
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These solutions look like they might also work for the Blinking Eyes thread I started (I was trying to blink multiple pairs of LEDs at "random" intervals). I'd like to do everything with one chip but I don't have chip programming hardware yet so I may try it with several 555s instead.
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