Well that stinks. I am using XP. It seems to work. I loaded a hex and then made some changes to it. Then I shut down the program and restarted. I load the pic and it had the correct hex changes on it. So it seems to work. What part is not functioning with xp?
Good compliers are there of both C and Basic language. and they are free but limited to 2k program memory. it is enough memory for newb.
Basic is easy make ur first program ur self, u will be more happy.
ICProg works under XP fine, although as with any program that directly accesses the hardware you need a driver DLL to allow it to do so. Access under Win98 is easier, because their's no restriction on direct access.
Well I have ran into a wall on this project. The pic programmer is working, but for the life of me I cant figure out how to load a hex file. I have used visual and C+ before and am not all that new to programming.
1. I am using the JDM Programmer along with ic-prog, the chip is the pic16f84a.
i already paste this link above.
go to that web and download Basic or C complier. Write ur program in any one of those compliers, and click on "build button", they will generate a HEX of ur program. Then open ICprog and open generated HEX in ICprog. And send it into PIC. Now ur PIC is ready to use in ur circuit.
Infact u need a HEX file to program a PIC, and u can use any program(Complier) that can creat HEX file for PIC according to ur written Program.
Hi Bryan76,
First you try to measure the Vpp and it should be at least 13 Volts for effective programming.
2. even before you start using the icprog, you see the properties of the exe file -go to compatibility and select win2000 and accept and come out. this is required for using it on winXP
3. you ensure that the COM port used by you and the one indicated on the software( if icprog105D isused-- under'settings'-'hardware'- you must find it as the type of programmer you assembled-- com port to be correct- the winAPI eneabled-(if under winXP))
4. you try to earse the chip and verify for clear earsed chip by reading.
5. goto buffer file at 0000 and modify it as 0000-- others being 3fff
6. save this as an abcd.hex file
7. call for this file and try to programm it.
then verify-- you will come to know at least whether first location is programmed.
most obvious mistakes are low Vpp and wrong COM port and compatibility
It seems to work. I loaded a hex and then made some changes to it. Then I shut down the program and restarted. I load the pic and it had the correct hex changes on it. So it seems to work.