buy oscilloscope from UK, info needed

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I'm looking to buy a DSO.

My brother is in UK and coming home for vacation,so I can ask him to buy one for me from UK.
Can yo guys tell me some place in K to buy one? I'm looking for cheap benchtop or PC oscilloscope with atleast 100MSPS and 2 channels.

and are they available in dutyfree shops?
thank you
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and are they available in dutyfree shops?

If you mean the dutyfree shops at airports, then the answer is definitely no.

Electronics suppliers may be able to provide an oscilloscope without you having to pay the VAT (The UK sales tax) if you can prove that you will be exporting it.
So what will be the price of a cheap scope(2 channel bandwidth>10MHz and sampling >100MSPS) after this tax reduction?
So what will be the price of a cheap scope(2 channel bandwidth>10MHz and sampling >100MSPS) after this tax reduction?

VAT (Value Added Tax) in the UK is 20%, so by exporting (and filling all the paperwork out) you would save 17.6% off the VAT inclusive price.

However, the UK isn't a cheap place to buy Electronics.
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