Bye Bye Internet as we Know it

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Well-Known Member
G'day Guy's,
Well as the title states above, go have a read of

Then have a good think of the thread title again...... It does look like the yankie pollies HAVE already been paid off to get this bill thru so when it does pass one could say the net will be changed for the worst.

Suppose the only good thing it will only be within the yankie borders and MANY country's around the world can and probably will just give the yanks a wide berth as people power will overcome the crap they are trying to dish out.

They say the world is going crazy and bills like this only prove it......

Be afraid be Bery Afraid........
This is scary stuff.

We all should be concerned about government censorship and repression of the internet, and people, in general.

Having said that something clearly needs to be done about the theft of intellectual property. There is little point in writing a book or making a movie without it.

According to the article:
The bill would authorize the U.S. Department of Justice to seek court orders against websites outside U.S. jurisdiction accused of infringing on copyrights, or of enabling or facilitating copyright infringement.[4] After delivering a court order, the U.S. Attorney General could require US-directed Internet service providers, ad networks, and payment processors to suspend doing business with sites found to infringe on federal criminal intellectual property laws. The Attorney General could also bar search engines from displaying links to the sites.[10]​

In a nutshell it says if you enable the crooks the government will stop you. On the face this is a very reasonable thing to do. Given that our lawmakers are living in a post 911 climate I fear the implementation details.

According to Tom's Hardware
  • Assign liability to site owners for everything users post, without consideration for whether or not the user posted without permission. Site owners could face jail time or heavy fines, and DNS blacklisting.
  • It would require web services like YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to monitor and aggressively filter everything all users upload.
  • It would deny site owners due process of law, by initiating a DNS blacklisting based solely on a good faith assertion by an individual copyright or intellectual property owner.
  • It would give the U.S. government the power to selectively censor the web using techniques similar to those used in China, Malaysia and Iran. The Great Firewall of China is an example of this type of embedded, infrastructural internet censorship.

This is scary stuff. Wired has an up to date and informative article.
The House Judiciary Committee considering whether to send the Stop Online Piracy Act to the House floor abruptly adjourned Friday with no new vote date set — a surprise given that the bill looked certain to pass out of committee.
With luck maybe it will die in committee. Or rewritten to follow the US Constitution. Lawmaking of this sort is a clear victory for the terrorists who want to abolish the freedoms we enjoy. Their actions have empowered our own government to infringe on our constitutional rights.

Edit: I have not read everything out there but the objections in the house committee seem to be based on the technical ascpets rather then the unconstitutionality of the bill. That bothers me but it could be a "port in a storm".
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There has already been a strong move toward a private internet, with individuals making their own private networks and linking to other like-minded individual networks. Usually using WiFi but some are linked through the phone system.

If the governments go too far in trying to regulate the public's access to information then individuals will make a huge effort to just make a whole new private internet and not let the government access it or use it!

I believe I have the right to send you a letter, and no government ever has the right to stop that letter, open that letter, edit or confiscate that letter. That is just not the job of the government, which is why we have things like constitutions.

If the government started intercepting and opening/confiscating our letters we would be up in arms, and/or just make our own private mail services. We have the right to send letters to each other without government tampering or interference, we have the right to send emails and data to each other without government interference.

This whole "policing the people for their own good" crap is going way too far, every year it gets worse and nobody with a brain believes it anymore. It's never been about terrorism or piracy, it's about reducing people's rights and increasing the govt's power to do whatever they want to the people! The USA (and most other western countries, let's be honest!) are heading the way of Nazi Germany.

I better shut up now before the Gestapo kicks in my door.
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