Bypass battery when DC adapter plugged in

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New Member
Hi everyone, I'm a total noob to hardware...Ive been a software guy for a few years now but am trying to learn my way around creating circuits.

I have a project that is battery operated. I want to add a 30v adapter to the unit. I would like the circuit to detect the adapter being connected and bypass the battery. Also of course I would like the battery to be used automatically when the adapter is not plugged in. Any ideas how I could do this?

Like I said I am a noob and trying to learn so any help as clear as possible would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Φ
If you want to switch from battery to DC adapter when plugged in, then you can use a plug with a switch such as this. You connect the battery to the switched terminal. When the adapter is plugged in, it disconnects the battery and the power will come from the adapter.
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