C18 Byte Structure

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Well-Known Member
Hey all i wanted to know something....

You know how you can Set a Byte or better yet PORT and then set individual bits like

LATA = 0x01;

or just

LATAbits.LATA0 = 1;

How can i create my own varriable like that?

If i wanted to name it... MyCon

and use it like :

MyCon = 0x01;
MyConbits.Con0 = 1;

How can i do that/this?

Im going to look through the headers and see if i can figure it out but if anyone knows off the top of head plz & thanks
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Would i have to make:

extern volatile near unsigned char       MYCON;
extern volatile near union {
  struct {
    unsigned CON0:1;
    unsigned CON1:1;
    unsigned CON2:1;
    unsigned CON3:1;
    unsigned CON4:1;
    unsigned CON5:1;
    unsigned CON6:1;
    unsigned CON7:1;
} MYCONbits;

And add structures to better name it if wanted; like If they had multiple purposes.

Got It:

  unsigned char mycon;
  struct {
      unsigned CON0:1;
      unsigned CON1:1;
      unsigned CON2:1;
      unsigned CON3:1;
      unsigned CON4:1;
      unsigned CON5:1;
      unsigned CON6:1;
      unsigned CON7:1;


#define MyCon MYCON
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The use of MyCon MYCON and mycon in your example is a potential source of confusion.

Here is an example from my code for LCD handling.
union {
  unsigned int all; 
  struct {
    unsigned reset:1;
    unsigned rs:1;
    unsigned rw:1;
    unsigned enable:1;
    unsigned data:8;
  } bits;
} lcd;

  lcd.all <<= 1;          // shift entire lcd
  lcd.bits.reset = 1;     // set reset bit
  lcd.bits.enable = 0;    // clear enable bit

or if you want to use an unnamed struct instead of bits

union {
  unsigned int all; 
  struct {
    unsigned reset:1;
    unsigned rs:1;
    unsigned rw:1;
    unsigned enable:1;
    unsigned data:8;
} lcd;
  lcd.all <<= 1;     // shift entire lcd
  lcd.reset = 1;     // set reset bit
  lcd.enable = 0;    // clear enable bit

I wanted this for my GLCD actually because i will be using 2 shift registers 1 for data and 1 for control lines. And i wanted to make a structure i can set easily and just shift out afterward to avoid confusion.

Thanks again!
Glad to help.

I have yet to play with the GLCD's. Is there a reason you do use a single shift register for both?

The GLCD i use is Parallel and has about 13 lines which need to goto the PIC. I use 2 8 bits and have some unused but its better than 13 used pic pins.

It will cost 4 pins to use the 2 registers but i save like 9 pins then which is very good to me lol

GLCDs are fun but getting an image on them is a hassle. I think a TFT LCD would be simpler lol
Im Using a AGM1264F which has a ks0108 on it. I think 2 one for left side and one for the right side.
Damn i think i got a virus. Im going to be gone for some hours (going to reinstall windows). Hopefully i dont forget to re-install something needed
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What shift registers are you using. Most often I use 74xx595's which can be cascaded. Without any trickery to reduce the number of lines it looks like this.


  • BB2.1C.pdf
    15.2 KB · Views: 277
Im using SN74LS164's and from what i can tell i cant link them. I just came home and finished reinstalling almost everything i have to reinstall adobe acrobat so i cant see that PDf as of yet but will soon.
I was thinking you should be able to so I looked around
**broken link removed**

Im using SN74LS164's and from what i can tell i cant link them. I just came home and finished reinstalling almost everything i have to reinstall adobe acrobat so i cant see that PDf as of yet but will soon.

I use the 595's out of habit. You can find versions with higher source/sink capacity but I do not recall the number right now.

EDIT: I could have posted the eagle file and saved you system reloading work.
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Im using SN74LS164's and from what i can tell i cant link them. I just came home and finished reinstalling almost everything i have to reinstall adobe acrobat so i cant see that PDf as of yet but will soon.
Im using SN74LS164's and from what i can tell i cant link them. I just came home and finished reinstalling almost everything i have to reinstall adobe acrobat so i cant see that PDf as of yet but will soon.

I'm sure you can, and rather than search through everything try this.
From the link 3v0 gave you:

perhaps, too, this will be of some help:

The Quintessential PIC Microcontroller

how to connect 74ls164 chips in cascade for running leds schematics
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Wow thanks! Im having some huge ISP issues right now. Ill have to read it in a minute. Thanks again
forgot to say i used 3v0 link NICE! thx and Beebop thx for link im reading it now i know what a delay lol thanks guys you all rock!
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HEH this is a sample of how im using it:
#include <p18f4620.h>

#pragma config OSC = INTIO67
#pragma config PWRT = OFF, BOREN = OFF, BORV = 1
#pragma config WDT = OFF, WDTPS = 32768
#pragma config MCLRE = ON

union {
  unsigned char byte;
  struct {
    unsigned di:1;      //	Data/Instruction
    unsigned rw:1;      //	Read/Write
    unsigned cs1:1;     //	Chip Select 1
    unsigned cs2:1;     //	Chip Select 2
    unsigned reset:1;   //	Reset
    unsigned dumba:1;   //	3 Dummy fillers: dumb(a,b,c)
    unsigned dumbb:1;
    unsigned dumbc:1;
} glcd;

void main (void)

	OSCCON = 0x72;              //	8 MHz internal clock
	OSCTUNEbits.PLLEN=1;        //	Enable PLL 8 x 4(PLL) = 32 MHz
	while(!OSCCONbits.IOFS);    //	Wait for osc to be stable

		glcd.di = 1;
		glcd.rw = 1;
		glcd.cs1 = 0;
		glcd.cs2 = 1;
		glcd.reset = 1;
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