C18 interrupt help

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New Member
Iam very much stuck with how to use C18 with Interrupts. I simply wrote a pgm to go to an ISR when the RBO pin goes high. I have the code here which I succesfully compiled.

#pragma config WDT=OFF
#pragma config OSC=HSPLL
#pragma config LVP = OFF
#pragma config PWRT = OFF

void interrupt()
blah blah;
INTCON=0b11110000;//make GIE one and flag low for next int to be detected

void main()
INTCON=0b11010000;//initialize interrupts for RBO low to high transition
blah blah;

Please do help me. When i give the trigger using stimulus worksapce when using mplab sim the control(the arrow) is not going to the ISR. In other words the interrupt is being accepted (which I understood from the fact that the RBOIF flag was being set by the processor), but the ISR is not routed. iam in a real fix. I have spent hours with this little pbm. this is the first time iam working with 18 f ints.

please do help me
thanks in advance
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Jpug #1
has a working example of C18 interrupts. It is for the timer but it shows how it is done.
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