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Does anyone know where I can find a C3866?

I took it out of a broken computer power supply. It's a switched mode power supply regulator. I have checked Maplin and RS, neither appear to stock it!

Any help is appreciated.
canadianpoet2012 said:
Does anyone know where I can find a C3866?

I took it out of a broken computer power supply. It's a switched mode power supply regulator. I have checked Maplin and RS, neither appear to stock it!

Any help is appreciated.

Try looking for 2SC3866, the '2S' is left off the printing on the devices. There's no guarantee though that it's a device available in the UK.
I have several computers one new and the rest are mix and match. Well there are quite a few spare used power supplies AT no ATX in the spare room.But I dont have the inclination to pull them apart. And I live in New Zealand
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