HAHAHAHA, i've just found an infinitely easier way of working this all out, basically you use the normalised polynomials, these are numbers that can be found on many sites on the net and even this book i've been looking at while wondering 'what the hell do these numbers mean?'
anyway, you take the two filters in isolation
so, 1st order filter,
fc = 1 / (2xpixR1xC1)
fc = 1 / (2xpix12150x0.0033uF) = 3969.446Hz this is the cut-off for the 1st order part of the filter
Next you use the normalised number,
f0 = f02 x fc
f0 = the cut-off freq that you've just calculated
f02 = the normalised number from the table
fc = the cut-off freq of the whole 3rd order filter
so f02 = 1.327 in this case
so fc = 3969.446/1.327 = 2991.29Hz which is pretty much exactly what PSpice predicts
Do it again with the 2nd order part of the filter,
fc = 1 / (2xpixsqrt(R2xR3xC2xC3))
fc = 1 / (2xpixsqrt(5860x10200x0.0033uFx0.0068uF)) = 4345.7Hz
Stick that into the f0 equation, f01 in this case equals 1.453
fc = 4345.7/1.453 = 2990.8Hz
Hey presto, no need to destroy your brain, you can go back to thinking laplace is where santa lives.
MrAI you have been a legend I really appreciate the help you gave me, hopefully this might help you at some point.