Calender IC PCF8563

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Electronics4you said:
How can I combine the real time clock/calender IC PCF8563 from Philips with a PIC microcontroller?
It uses I2C Bus, so connect it to PIC with 2 wires (SDA and SDL). Use Software or Hardware I2C in the PIC to interface the IC. Use commands from Datasheet of PCF8563 to set and retrieve date info.
How accurate is that chip? My current project uses a 32k crystal on Timer1 of a 16F628 for a RTC, in addition to the main functions of the program. Accuracy is about 4 seconds per 24 hours.

upand_at_them said:
How accurate is that chip? My current project uses a 32k crystal on Timer1 of a 16F628 for a RTC, in addition to the main functions of the program. Accuracy is about 4 seconds per 24 hours.

It should be around 5 Minutes per year (depending on Crystal used, Voltage and Temperature...).
upand_at_them said:
How accurate is that chip? My current project uses a 32k crystal on Timer1 of a 16F628 for a RTC, in addition to the main functions of the program. Accuracy is about 4 seconds per 24 hours.



I did this a couple of years ago and got much better accuracy than that. I used the special events trigger on ccp1 to reset the timer to 32767 I.E. 1 less than the crystal frequency.

I can did the code out if it would help at all.


Your tutorials always come in handy Nigel.

I hope my website will come in handy the way yours does
except mine is only for robotics.

Anyway here is a update of my website
I am working on the hardware for the sercurity robot and will post it as soon as I get a hold on my friends digital camera.
Also my tutorials for my spybot
which is a begniner project for the newbies will becoming
july 5.
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