Can 5vdc be used instead of 12vdc.

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Yes, that will work on any voltage as long as the relay is suitable.

What kind of port pin can supply 400mA?

Yes, that will work on any voltage as long as the relay is suitable.

What kind of port pin can supply 400mA?


It's a mixer that we use called Clearone. In this instance I'm using pins 1-3-5 which are activated by momentary contact to ground which are all in parallel this turns on 2 Ceiling omni directional Mics and Mutes the professor or vise versa with the second press .

I can program a second function in combination to pull down one of (2) 3904's inside the units. Activating the 2 seperate port pins pulling down there 5 volt supply's for relay's or other devices.

I'm limited to only 2 ports with 5 volts. But, I may be able to Employ a 3 unit into play to gain 2 additional 5 volt pins (I would like to use some of the voltage for Led's so I'm not sure where I want to go with this yet.)

I'm hoping to do a simple relay circuit in combination with 2 cd4013's circuit for an on-off master relay with a 12v supply to lockout other students while someone is talking. This will be useful because I can keep the relay noises in the room with all our Technical Operations equipment.
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Do you think this is a good reliable circuit ? I know that de-bounce is a concern.

I found out. I can drive my port pin high and it will give me a pulse instead of the constant 5vdc. I could then set the port up and with a relay as the momentary contact to energize the circuit above.

I want to build the above circuit for each student so I can lock out other students until the person using the Mics are done.

I'm interested in this circuit to but I don't get 0v vs 12v.

+12 I understand to ground. Is 0v lifted or floating ?

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Thanks, kv
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This is what I got so far. I've (not) included the power supply's for the latching relay circuit and most of you would probably would do this with a Pic. This over my skill level. If I have a stable circuit design I can build it.

Stu 1 pushes his button the port pins fires the momentary contact.

1. Momentary relay closes.

2. Master opens closing out other students.

3. Stu 1 relay closes, allowing for reset.

The Master relay is part of a circuit "ericgibbs" designed for me. Which btw is in two rooms with 4 Giant LED's and 4 control circuit boxes(Thanks Eric ).

When I get done with these rooms and there completed. I plan to take some Pics.

Thanks, kv


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I don't think you can drive a 5V/200Ω relay with the CD4013. They can sink and source only about 2mA. The relay will require pull 25mA @5v.

I don't think you can drive a 5V/200Ω relay with the CD4013. They can sink and source only about 2mA. The relay will require pull 25mA @5v.


That's funny I was originally going to use your circuit with 4700uf cap and 1k resistor which had the 200ohm relay I missed that thanks.

I have a relay that I've had success with so far.

I think it's a mosfet.

Edit:Edit: nte-R74-11D1-5


Edit: It won't be driven off the cd4013 it's source is the port pin from my mixer Parallel Port. It uses a 2n3904 400ma.
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I don't think you can drive a 5V/200Ω relay with the CD4013. They can sink and source only about 2mA. The relay will require pull 25mA @5v.


Here is a new Diagram with the change driven from the port pin 5v supply.


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I don't see the difference in the two schematics. Am I missing something?
And what is relay RL1, on pin 13 if the cd4013?

I don't see the difference in the two schematics. Am I missing something?
And what is relay RL1, on pin 13 if the cd4013?


Thanks ken.

Your not missing anything I am. I picked that diagram and it's not designed to support the relay. I really didn't think anyone was watching so I thought I could re - draw it without anyone noticing.

So, I'm going with the diagram Named Toggle Switch No.1 it's from one of my post's above in the post chain. It looks easier and has the veroboard Layout too!

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I'll draw up another one hoping to make it better to understand.


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While sequence is happening a microphone is un-muted

Sequence :

1. Stu 1 pushes his momentary contact button at his desk.

2. Db Port 2 pin fires from the mixer to momentary contact.

3. Momentary relay closes RL/DPDT.

4. Master relay opens locking out other students.

5. Stu 1 relay closes, allowing for reset.

Student asks question or finishes statement.

6. Stu 1 pushes his momentary contact when finished at his desk.

7. RL/DPDT closes - RL 1 opens as well and "Master relay" closes.

Ready for sequence to begin for another Stu 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 Circuit board.


Edit: Keep in mind the Microphones are 2 ceiling mount omni directional Mics.


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I breadboarded this and it works.

I'm about to build it and begin to test it with a couple of circuit boards together to see if I can find any glitches. Afterward I will build 12 of these per room.

In the future I would like to perform this with a Pic or pics or Large Microprocessor.

Question : 12 inputs / Maybe 2 outputs = lockout all inputs allowing for 1 input to be performed at a time.


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