Can a PIC sing?

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I was wondering how a PIC would sound when it sings a song.
I found an MP3 of a PIC singing "DaisyBell (on a bicycle built for two)":
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The pitch of one note is wrong.
Hi audio

I was working on a similar voice project which converts 8 bit digital value to analogue. The hardest part is cut the wave form into digital numbers I’m working on Adobe Audition software. Now I have got stucked in the half way mark because I ran out of PIC memory for a 30 seconds track.

Somewhere I saw in net there is a soft which converts the wave file into digital numbers directly.

perhaps you have to go for low bitrate coding, instead of wav
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Verdana,Geneva,sans-serif][SIZE=-1] BTc PICsound One-bit sound recording/playback on a PIC

Roman Blacks' Software License
Really what you want is a dsPIC here. They're not all that expensive. They've got vastly more program space for one. 16-bit core's fine for sound, also they're set up to interface with any number of quality codec chips.

Microchip did make a Speex speech compression library, but it's not going to compress music. There's been some interest in software MP3 decoders, jury's still out on whether it can be done and how much quality could be attained.
Roman Black's 1 bit encoder works very well.
Except it adds a horrible American hill billy accent to the speech.
audioguru said:
Roman Black's 1 bit encoder works very well.
Except it adds a horrible American hill billy accent to the speech.

I have no idea what y'all mean Eh?
audioguru said:
Y'all is what the hill billies in Tennessee say.
Eh is what some Canadians say.

Not quite. Y'all is used by non-hillbillys in many states south of the Mason Dixon line. It is in common use as far west as Texas and Oklahoma. Not sure how far east.

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Modern definition
The states in dark red are almost always included in modern day definitions of the South, while those in medium red are usually included. The striped states are sometimes/occasionally considered Southern. Note that the Mason-Dixon line forms part of the northern boundary of the striped states[
Google has lots of links talking about slavery around the Mason Dixon line.
donniedj said:
Great Link! This is perfect my my applications. Another single chip solution.

I knew sound replications is all in the technique and not in the device.

If you are not too picky about sound quality. I have yet to try it, but I think audioguru was correct if colorful in his discription.
audioguru said:
Y'all is what the hill billies in Tennessee say.
Eh is what some Canadians say.

Have you ever watched the movie Deliverance?

My definition of hillbilly is anybody that lives in an very isolated spot, and where inbreeding is common too.
wmmullaney said:
That's not a pic! look at the thing's datasheet!!! It's a voice synthisyser!!!!!

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It may be based on a 18 pin PIC. Has the same power and crystal/osc locations on the chip. Not proof, but interesting.
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