Can any micro controller run an lcd screen?

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New Member

I'm a total newbie to the PIC micro controller world but I do my best I've ordered a simple lcd display from ebay but I just want to make sure that I can actually run an LCD using any PIC. I mean I don't need a PIC with LCD features do I?

I have a PIC16f627 if thats useful
It depends which LCD you buy. Some are easy to interface, some impossible.

This page may only be viewable by me but we'll give it a go. **broken link removed** is the page with the description of the lcd.

It's a HD44780 16x2 characters LCD module Blue backlight. I taught this is pretty standard one which is why I'm getting it. What do you think?
That display can easily work with the 16F627. There are lots of examples on the web.

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