can any one help me in programming PIC 16f84A

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New Member
i am new to pic programming.I am using noppp to program pic 16f84 and want to use all porta pins as input pins.But so far i didnot get suceeded.
I am designing a logic based device with it.
inport to pic

i have tried "flashing LED program and suceeded.I also suceeded in making binary counter via pic but failed to give input to pic using LDR (voltage divider with transistor as a switch)
can any one send me a simple program with one or more pin used as input.
Re: inport to pic

Check my tutorials!.

The 16F628 used is the replacement for the old 16F84, any changes required are EXTREMELY minimal.
Try this, it's for 16F84A @ 4Mhz, noWDT noCP XTosc.
8 LEDs are connected to PortB, active High, 4 switches are connected to PortA 0 -3 , active High.

Pressing the switches starts different LED patterns.


  • pic_tester_16f84a.asm.txt
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