Can anyone identify these components in pic. Of IED

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New Member
I was curious to what a cellphone IED trigger looked like, and how they worked. I got this picture off of a military forum. Can anybody identify the components on the bb, and I guess this is the receiver end or detonator? The site Thread was tiltled,"Army building electronic warfare soldiers." at:
**broken link removed**
The new Army career field will number 1,619 Soldiers in all,

They are also scrambling to come up with EMP grenades, to kill the IED's signals, but it would also fry friendly radio communications.


  • RCIED Ied trigger with Nokia phone.jpg
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Reverse engineering or designing such a device here would not be a good idea. About all I will say is "when the phone rings detonate" which is not very safe and improvised.
Reverse engineering or designing such a device here would not be a good idea. About all I will say is "when the phone rings detonate" which is not very safe and improvised.

That's what i thought, and I wonder how they time the calls to explode directly under the vehicle? Have you ever lost your cell-phone and asked someone else to call it, the ring-tone for the transmitter end will ring a few of times before the phone actually starts ringing! They must practice a lot getting the timing down.
Your thinking too hard. Think attach to vehicle or even arming. Also think modify phone. I can think of ways without requiring actual phone modification that might work.

Even for land lines, the ringing signal the caller hears is not in sync with the actual ringing of the phone.

I have an app on my phone, but never tried it, which will increase the volume to max upon receipt of a specific TXT message. This makes finding it in the house easier.
Same reason Emma2012 isnt banned.
Im guessing the mods are recovering from New Years.
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