Can anyone show me simple EL wire DIY inverter?

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Active Member
Hi to all,

Just acquired some EL wire and have no inverter to use on it.

The only ones I have to hand are for CCFL and they just barely light the EL wire, so I searched the net for a simple (easy to source components) inverter circuit? But found very little except expensive commercial modules.

I would be very grateful for any suggestions or help.

You need a circuit at about 400Hz. Try an old flash-camera circuit at $1.50 from a photo shop.

Here is the circuit, but you need to get the transformer.


  • Inv-P2-fig2.gif
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You need a circuit at about 400Hz. Try an old flash-camera circuit at $1.50 from a photo shop.

Here is the circuit, but you need to get the transformer.

Hi Colin,

I think I have some of those transformers, they look like audio transformers?

I think I have seen the circuit while googling at some stage but discounted it as I need the inverter to be on constant and not flashing, but maybe there is a way of making it like that?


hi mate,

I could buy one but I would then be restrained to the size and shape they are and I am hoping to make some custom ones that I can fit into something I am working on.

If I can build them I could even split the parts between small boards to make room if need be and that would suit my needs exactly.

BTW I think I will be drawing around 50mA.

The circuit I posted will flash or remain ON via the switch.
You need about 400Hz sinewave - and it must be AC. The voltage is critical as an overvoltage will cause flashover. Varying the frequency will change the colour slightly.

I produced lots of these projects and you do need to supply "current" to get the brightness you want.

Hi again Colin,

Oops sorry mate, I thought the switch was for flash or off, didn't see the two positions! Doh!

So the circuit may be just whats needed after all!

As to the transformer, would the audio type be ok, they are the small red or green ones that are in most small radios.

As you can see, the frequency of operation of the circuit depends on the inductance of the transformer so I don't know how any other transformer will go. The transformer needs to be an "output transformer." You may need a "timing capacitor" as shown in the diagram to get the performance you need.
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Circuit diagram wrong or right?

Hi Colin and all,

Just about to build the inverter circuit above and realised that on the pinout E is shown connected to 2 of the pins and this is not so in the diagram. Which is right and can anyone correct the diagram or pinout?

The picture of the green transformer next to the circuit diagram happens to be an inverter transformer for another project and is adapted to suit this project by connecting two pins as shown. This is only a sample of one type of transformer that can be used for the circuit.
The transformer is basically an "driver" transformer from a push-pull transistor ampifier.
It is used around the reverse way to that intended.
It has a centre-tapped secondary and we use this as the primary in this circuit. This will be about 10-50 ohms per side.
The other winding is called the secondary in our circuit and will have 200 ohms or more.
Hi to all,

So what should be the connections to the transformer?

If like the pinout shown would that not effectively short one of the windings?

If this is so what is the purpose of shorting the winding, surely that would stop any feedback?

No. The green transformer shown in the diagram needs the pin connected as shown so the wiring inside the transformer suits the circuit.
I'm having trouble locating any information or source (digi-key or newark) for the TE-3v transformer. Does anyone have a datasheet so I can identify a equivalent?
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