Can anyone write me a program?? its getting a little bit urgent...

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New Member
dont worry its not homework lol

i am working on a project that uses a 6610 lcd display, i have tried doing it myself but i write my code in a program called flowcode and dont have a good enough knowledge of programming to do it myself in c or asm.

so far i have managed to get text on the lcd but its too faint to read and i cant get any colours on there.

so, looks like i need some help, i need someone to write the code for me,

basically the project summerises as follows:

Thermostat control

3 temperature sensors, ADC controlled
1 Humidity sensor, ADC controlled
2 outputs, 1 on/off and controlled by a clock giving set times to activate/deactivate
the other is a heater output, im hoping to use phase control on this output.
Night drop function, when the lights are off the ambient setting drops by a preset amount (programmable)

all temperatures, humidity and clock is displayed on the lcd

there will be a menu to set the clock, light on/off times, ambient temp setting and a night time drop function.

it could also do with the ability to recover from a power cut saving all of it settings and also the clock carries on running (not sure which uC can do this)

please please please can someone help me out. i have very little time now to have this up and running.
Without posting some of the code that you have I seriously doubt anyone will help. For starters what PIC are you using?

Smells like a late project assignment.
its not a homework assignment.

the code is in boostc and generated by flowcode so im not sure if its any good to anyone.

im not asking for someone to finish my code im asking for someone to start from scratch, and do it properly.

In terms of a PIC, take your Pick (no pun intended)

i am using a 16f628 to play with but i know its nowhere near big enough for the entire project. maybe a 18f series chip will have bigger memory
This is what the program will be for, so definatly not a homework assignment lol

Belive me, with the effort i have put into building this if i could write the code myself i would but i have just hit a brick wall.
seems a shame to let it goto waste

**broken link removed**
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If its not a homework assignment, then it can only be one of two things:

1) Your own personal project - in which case, take a break from it and learn how to code...
2) A project for somebody else (your boss, or a client, maybe a friend)

In the case of #1 - if it were me (and it won't be, because I'm not familiar with what you are doing), I would be asking for some money or barter to code for you; I don't know you from Adam, and why should I give away time and effort without seeing a return of some sort (and saying "I owe you one" isn't much of a return).

In the case of #2 - I would still be asking for money, but I would want to also speak with your boss or client (he might be interested to know that you are sub-contracting work out; is it a part of your contract to allow that? What about IP, etc?); if it is for a friend, same thing - but you or your friend would have to pay the expenses.

Finally - embedded coding doesn't come cheap, and as a coder, I would want to have the device in question in front of me to make sure the code I wrote worked properly. A contract for work and reimbursement would need to be done, if there are any NDAs, they would need to be signed, etc. Perhaps some money for the work held in escrow...

Maybe you'll get lucky, though, and some chump will write the code for you for nothing but a "thank you" on this forum. Don't hold your breath on it, though...


lets clear a few things up, its my own project, a few people on this forum know that i have been working on this for months, and they themselves have pointed me in the right directions with regards to coding. however the project has come on in leaps and bounds and has changed in appearence and function a few times.

i am now out of my depth with regards to coding this one up, if it were a alphanumeric display this wouldnt be a problem, in fact the old thermostat had exactly that.

i am curious as to which part of my initial post made you think i would just say "thank you" ??

as this is clearly a commercial project and will eventually goto market, i would assume that any writer would indeed require payment for there services. However until someone were to come forward and commit to such a thing then there is no point whatsoever in discussing money in a public forum.
At least by discussing how many thousands of dollars you are prepared to pay for the program, you won't get any really competent coders answering your request.
There are plenty of sites where you can discuss costing: such as "Hire a Coder."
ok well in that case then, would it be possible to get some help with the code i have??

i am able to print text to the lcd but its just about readable and i cant get any colours
heres a pdf about the lcd and how to make it work, i dont understand much of it.

and here is the init code that i have currently working.


clear_bit(MX_GFXLCD_TRIS, MX_GFXLCD_RS); //Configure I/O
clear_bit(MX_GFXLCD_PORT, MX_GFXLCD_RS); //Reset LCD

delay_ms(10); //Always wait after a Reset

set_bit(MX_GFXLCD_PORT, MX_GFXLCD_RS); //Startup LCD
set_bit(MX_GFXLCD_PORT, MX_GFXLCD_SDATA); //Set Data Pin High
set_bit(MX_GFXLCD_PORT, MX_GFXLCD_SCLK); //Set Clock Pin High
gLCD_SendByte(MX_GFXLCD_CMD, 0x01);

delay_ms(10); //Wait after Reset

gLCD_SendByte(MX_GFXLCD_CMD, 0x11); //Sleep Out

gLCD_SendByte(MX_GFXLCD_CMD, 0x29); //Display On

gLCD_SendByte(MX_GFXLCD_CMD, 0x3A); //Interface Pixel Format....
gLCD_SendByte(MX_GFXLCD_PARAM, 0x02); // format: 8 bit for each Pixel
gLCD_SendByte(MX_GFXLCD_CMD, 0x20); //No inveMX_GFXLCD_RSion, 0x21 would be inverted display (different coloMX_GFXLCD_RS!)
gLCD_SendByte(MX_GFXLCD_CMD, 0x2D); //RGB-Table for the 256 out of 4096 color mode

for (i=0;i<20;i++)
gLCD_SendByte(MX_GFXLCD_PARAM, DataInit); //read predefined color table for 256 color mode


i have tried to include the code for contrast but i cant get it to work, thats even if the contrast is the problem
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