can HV fire off a HI

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if i had say a 5cm air spark gap(that breaks down @ 3kv) charged with a constant DC source of 10V & 10amps, then i used a 5kv 0.1mA node to fire the gap off, how much current would i detect at the ground node?
so what i have is 3 wires 1)ground, 2) 5cm from that is the 10v line, 3) my HV line(low current) used to fire off the gap between the first two wires
It appears you're expecting 10kV arc across 5cm to create a low resistance plasma through which 10V will flow.

10kV will not jump 5cm at all, under normal atmospheric conditions. A brief spark of 0.1mA is not enough energy to create a "low" resistance plasma. And 10V is too low a voltage to maintain a current through more than a few µm even if a plasma state were generated.
haha i realize this thread is dead, but i finally found my answer and to clr confusion technically what i was looking for are the principals similar to a flash tube and it s trigger!
I was just reading over this. You say you have a 5cm gap and are expecting it to arc at only 3kv? Simple rule of thumb is it takes 1.1kv to arc 1 mm on average at sea level. Using this estimate, it would require 55kv to spark that distance. Nowhere near the 3kv you suggest. Were you referring to an evacuated tube spark gap, like the flash tube? If you were, you should have mentioned that in your first post. Would have saved a lot of confusion

just an example that i had no idea!

but now that i discovered the flash tube, i am just wondering could this device be wired as a spark driver for a teslacoil?
just an example that i had no idea!

but now that i discovered the flash tube, i am just wondering could this device be wired as a spark driver for a teslacoil?

Spark driver or spark gap?

I would never recommend using an evacuated tube as a spark gap in a Tesla coil setup. That would be quite dangerous, as that's a lot of energy you'd be dumping into a tube with thin glass walls.

If you're referring to the driver itself, you haven't posted a circuit....?

A Tesla coil requires a resonant circuit between the tank circuit and secondary in order to operate. It also requires a high voltage on the primary in order to properly induce current on the secondary. I highly doubt 10v will be enough. You may get a few volts boost, but it won't be what you're hoping for. It most definitely wouldn't be worth it.

ya, forget those bad numbers, i realize now primary requirements,

what about a pvc pipe for a flash tube spark gap would that hold better?
also its the spark gap that makes all the noise, i wonder if it would be quite-er if i had it sealed?

gap or driver, im not really sure i keep thinking about if i could control a sparkgap using a method similar to how a camera flash tube works.

whoa wait, it has to be vacuum sealed? this is a requirement for it to work?

ill start over, check this out:
now i know this isnt free car power but i do believe he incorporated a bendini style circuit and it is running more efficient than a standard electrolysis process, which is why i want to use his system, i am mostly interested since his circuit self tunes to his load(the water)

As we have observed ionized water doesnt need high volts to charge, and salt, the conductor does not conduct either unless it is in the water or liquified itself, it is my belief that the reason for this is that there is too much air between the salt molecules causing excess resistance.

however to overcome this resistance i naturally want to turn up the volts, but i need to keep a proper polarity, and i though it could help if i could make a air gap switching system

I am going to grind the salt crystals to powder and see if it is able to liquify, breakdown or recrystallize.
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Tesla coil spark gaps should NOT be evacuated of air, because it will cause it to fire too easily and won't give the capacitor in the tank circuit enough time to charge up. An ordinary air gap is ideal for Tesla coils, though they can be placed inside a container. If you do this, though, remember that as the surrounding air and the contacts heat up from use, the gap will fire more easily. You'd need to make sure there's a stead stream of air flowing across the electrodes to keep them cool.

I've tried putting some contacts in a piece of PVC but it flashed over very quickly. Once PVC starts burning, the burnt carbon strip becomes conductive and the spark gap will no longer fire. I don't recommend PVC, though if you can make sure it doesn't start burning it, it'll be ok.

Now, are you building a Tesla coil or an electrolysis device?
i think it s best to say that i want electrolysis device but i want to break down powder ed salt and achieve that without water or melting the salt, so i want to step up the voltage, to get across the air gaps between the particles, now i know that HV will reduce current and production, so that is where i got the idea to add the "bendini self resonant circuit", since it seems to work more efficiently, and supports a previous hypothesis that i had about the recatance of water but till recently did not know how to project my idea.

having said that though since i need the higher voltage for the air gaps in my salt a transistor is no longer proper for a switching device, which turned me over to the sparkgap, or maybe the flash tube, or anything you think could help

I am just pondering how i could do a "HV transistor", maybe elaborate on vacuum tube technology or something else, like a glass tube with my spark contacts in it far enough so they DONT fire, then wrap a mesh around the tube to create the ionization to initiate the breakdown, i was not aware that the flash tube was under pressure, but then again wouldn't that still ionize the spark gap enough for a breakdown? and without the vacuum wouldn't we just need some more volts?

problem with the Telsa coil is that the primary is tuned to a frequency but i want self resonant, then again do you think Tesla coil would work for electrolysis? (even small amounts)?

No, putting a load on the output of a Tesla coil will change its operation entirely, and will probably cause it to not oscillate properly. Chances are it won't work at all.

As for the high voltage transistor, what kind of voltage are you hoping to switch? You might be able to use an IGBT or certain MOSFETs, but we'd need a lot more information.

I'm hesitant to help you since you clearly show that you have no idea what you're doing, and you're trying to work with high voltages. I highly recommend AGAINST doing this project until you have more experience with less-dangerous devices.
So what are you trying to accomplish at the end of all of this?

I hope its not HHO to run your vehicle related nonsense.
i promise its not

for this here, my goal is to electrolise some salt without melting it with heat, putting it in water or any other medium. which are the known methods.

if this process works, i intend to observe the formation of sodium on the anode, and have an idea to expand to other compounds.

also i promise not to start sniffing chlorine either!
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