Can I connect switching regulators like this?

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New Member
I have (locally available and cheap)a switching regulator which can take 37V input, but I need to drive from a 60V source. can i use a arrangement like this?


  • myarrangement.jpg
    20.8 KB · Views: 178
Thanks .That solved my first issue in a disappointing way Hi!.

Then, I need to derive +5V @1A and 12V @ 1Amps from a varying supply (40vDC to 60VDC).
( I have measure and display this input voltage, that is what I am going to do )
What would you recommend I should do to get my DC rails?

Thanks for the response
I read that page and it seems that it will give only 7.5V max output. I need to drive big 4" 7Segment display.So need 12Volts


sorry it will give upto 70V.

But no locally available, may have to get from farnel at high cost. LM2576 was availble

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