Can I connect this LCD to AVR?

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New Member
Hi for all experts...
I have a LCD like Attachment.
I open it from Germain phone. 10 pin that 2 pin are free with 3 backlight and one chip set below LCD that i don't read SR.
How i can find pinout for connecting to AVR ?


  • lcd_10_pin.jpg
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Without a part number it's tough to say what it is. Character LCDs are not very expensive why not just buy one that has a datasheet?
Well a simple Google of the Nokia 5110 LCD finds plenty of schematics.

PS if you don't fill out your location how would we know you're in Iran.
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Sidenote your display isn't from a Nokia 5110, looks nothing like it.
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i register now.
this site is wonderful.
i want use graphic lcd with c programming and avr.
i research reference but ...
my language programming is poor!!!
my problem i can show image on the glcd but i have problem about show the array or character.

i want reference or good vivid example glcd.

very thanks.
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