I would like to take the tach signal wire, measure the engines acceleration rate using it.
IF the acceleration rate is too high trip an output wire to ignite my stand alone shift light (which is NOT hooked to anything, and this is not a RPM based shift light)
Believe it or not I DO understand what you're trying to accomplish. A "pulse width modulation variation indicator". A light that will come on when your motor revs too fast in too short of a time.
Sooo, you need to tell the forum...
1.) What lower RPM do you want to ignore (if it revs too fast from 800 to 1200 and you don't want that
to apply, advise to ignore below 1200).
2.) How frequently you want the sampling (I would think ten times a second would do, see next line...)
3.) How much of a change trips the light (if the engine is at 2500, and in a tenth of a second increase to
2750, that would be a 10% differential, which is truly unlikely, because IF the engine COULD do that
it would flat line from idle in about two seconds). The differential should be less than 10%...
4.) Finally, indicate if you desire to have potentiometers to adjust the low RPM bypass level, and the
differential level, and indicate what would be the ideal ranges for such (ex.-bypass level range from
800rpm to 2000rpm, and the differential range from 4% to 8%), so you can fine tune the circuit to
your liking.
Then, the PWM (pulse width modulation) pros here might be able to extract a sampler/comparator circuit to fit your needs. I myself do not know how to make this circuit, and am just suggesting some
theory for you, so don't call me names or tell me I'm not trying to contribute.
Even though the number of pages and "beratement" you believe to have received seems excessive to you, you have also been "feeding" it as well. To be honest with you, with some of your language, I'm actually suprised they (the site auditors) haven't cut you off. I ask simple questions here as well, and many times the responses have nothing to do with my question, or it gets too complex for the simple inquiry I started, but you should do what I do. Try to keep your cool, try to capacitate EXACTLY what others are writing, take a deep breath before bouncing back, and above/beyond all..., remember..., without the "pros" here, you may as well not try to build your project because you won't get any insight towards it. Even a punk like myself without a high school diploma may be able to contribute, but if someone ticks me off, I won't try anymore to help them, and most of all, I'm not perfect (nor is anybody else who visits this forum). I don't have all the answers, and if I can help, I want to make sure I spend my own personal time figuring something out for someone, once, by knowing exactly what it is they want.