Can I make a remote control????

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New Member
Hi All,
I posted an earlier messege in which I asked if anyone could help me,to make an RF remote control.....
2 members sent me messeges.....They told me where to buy the remote control and gave me a link to a site...
For sorry I didn't get what I was looking for....
So if anyone could tell me about a site that can help me make a remote control of any type by myself that would be better....
(buying such things in my country is very difficult)
I want a remote which controls at least 4 things.....
thanks very much.... :?:
Just wondering... if are hard to get where you live will you be able to get the components needed to build something like that? In the US there are kits availible to build remotes.

How about building an IR remote control, that's nice and easy to do. RF construction is a GREAT DEAL more difficult, particularly at UHF frequencies where RF remotes usually work. You also have the problem of licencing, I've no idea what the legislation in your country is like, but it's probable that you would have to get approval and apply for a licence.

There seems a total lack of such projects on the net, which I suspect is for very good reasons.
goodpickles said:
Just wondering... if are hard to get where you live will you be able to get the components needed to build something like that? In the US there are kits availible to build remotes.

the components R available here, but ready kits R not :cry:
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