Can i put a different Adapter

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I have a X Rocker model # 51231 Chair that don't have the AC adapter so i was wondering if i could use a 12V adapter. But the X Rocker Chair requires a 9V/1A. If i do it what could happen.
Well Thank you.
If the chair requires a 9 volt adapter I wouldn't use a 12 volt one. What could happen? You could cause the motor to draw excessive current and either shorten its life or just burn it up. It was designed to be used with a 9 volt adapter so that is how it should be used.

Yeah i saw that in Radio Shack but i didn't buy it cause of the Amp, so the Volt has to be the require one but the Amp could be what ever size.
But thank you too.
Yes, sorry for not explaining my self clearly, but i was trying to say that it could be more what is recommend it.
but i was trying to say that it could be more what is recommend it.
Yes some what more, best to cheak with someone that knows 1st, like you did. Good luck. Andy
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