this guy can turn him self off:
and this one is similar to multivibrator:
i see no reason why proper control circuitry couldnt do the job even if device is switching its own power, i have seen delayed trigger circuits in walkie talkie buttons that compose of resistors capacitors and transistor that "could" work for you, personally as always I think its easiest to use microcontroller and code,
if it were my choice i'd select this type:
3) A double-coil
latching type where one coil latches it and the other coil unlatches it,
however it would be trickier for device to turn itself on if it has no power to run control circuits, and , you need to only pulse the on coil briefly , then shut it off so it unlocks so it can be ready to be triggered by the off coil,
**broken link removed**
if you look at a flasher circuit(or multivibrator) it is similar to what you are thinking but idk if you would want to do that your way without putting a delay on the "switch on" coil as well, other wise you will get short off pulses and longer on pulses.... as for doing it with relay instead of transistor .... maybe...
I do know it will shorten life of relay to be pulsing it all the time, relays are not meant for "switching all the time"