If you have this CC module, has anyone considered an opto-isolated linear-control method of the CS resistor in the module.
The LED current is
1/2 of the
IPK current. Thus for LED current of 300~350 mA, e.g. Rcs= 2* 400mV/333mA =
2.4 Ohms. Thus by separating this Rcs resistor from Gnd and inserting an opto-isolated transistor and buffer transistor you can create a linear control of CC.
View attachment 144504
Since the CC uses PWM, you cannot use PWM easily again to dim this circuit without an AC to DC filter.
You can choose a minimum current
Now you have a design spec to convert 0 to Vmax for Imin to Imax. = Rcs (max to min)
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View attachment 144505